Let's take refuge in the kitchen !
Every day, we offer you typical dishes prepared with passion and made with genuine local products. In our menu we wanted to combine typical mountain dishes with traditional Comelico recipes. The latter, handed down in our family for generations, are now repeated “to perfection” by our son, the chef of the hut.
Our famous pancakes

Frìtli d pómi and Zópi dal Cumélgu - very sweet apple and bread pancakes typical of Comelico
The original recipe, together with the inseparable fork for frying, was handed down to us by our grandmother "Lena", who prepared desserts with what she had at home: the milk from our cows, the eggs from our chickens, the apples that were easy to find. And she never wasted even "al pan veciù" (stale bread), essential to complete the recipe .
Poached polenta
"Al Mès" - a traditional dish from Comelico, simple but rich in taste and aroma
It is a polenta made from milk and maize flour, served with melted butter and balòta (ricotta with chives) or smoked ricotta, together with a cup of milk or wine, where "al mès" is dipped before being eaten. The inhabitants of Casamazzagno, from which our family descends, in the past were nicknamed "Kei dal Mès" because they often ate this dish .


First courses, mouth watering
Vegetable soup
Penne alla boscaiola
Spaghetti garlic oil chilli
Penne or Spaghetti with meat sauce or

Second courses, for the true mountain flavour
Sausage with polenta
Mushrooms with polenta
Melted cheese with polenta
Mixed dish: sausage, melted cheese and polenta
Popera dish: sausage, melted cheese, mushrooms and polenta
Wurstel with sauerkraut or potatoes
Eggs, speck and

Sweets, to end on a sweet note
Apple strudel
Linzer cake
Yogurt with

Don't miss our homemade flavored grappas too!
Here are some flavors:
Gentian root
Grappa del Rifugio
What about the afternoon?
Try the Schiwasser, raspberry and lemon syrup, and the sweetest elderberry syrup perfect for a refreshing break after a tiring hike. If you prefer something hot, we have plenty of fruit and mountain herb teas available for you .

Menu of the conquest of the Sentinel Pass
16/04/1916 - created on the occasion of the centenary in 2016
We thought this menu as our homage to the Mascabroni of Cima Undici who conquered the Sentinel Pass and to commemorate all the soldiers who fought in the Great War. The "Menù del Pisandolo" in the photo was designed and written on May 28, 1916 by Giovanni Ambroso, a telegraphist, who, by linking the names of the dishes to the places he visited, ironically tried to lighten the drama of the war.
First courses
Pasta and Beans
Penne dei Mascabroni from Cima Undici
Second courses
Meal of the Alpine
Stew with polenta or potatoes